
Wizards Win Back-2-Back Games

The Wizards won 2 games in a row. Leave it to the Wizards to wait until the end of the season and until they have no shot at the playoffs to start playing basketball. As I said before though, I will take it. This time the Wizards beat the Milwaukee Bucks which hurts the Bucks chances of making the playoffs. The final score was 121-112.

John Wall had one of his best games scoring 14 and adding 10 assists. The Wizards need Wall to play this type of game in order to win consistently. Chris Singleton added 10 points and 5 rebounds and played very solid defense as always. As a FSU alum I appreciate even more than most what Singleton does for the Wizards. He is a solid piece for the team and can contribute. Seraphin did not play as well as last game, but he still had 14 points. Most importantly for the Wizards though is that Jordan Crawford had 32 points. Crawford is usually a black hole on offense so when he contributes it is huge for the team. The young team looks like they are starting to gel. Nene even added 14. This is how you play basketball gentlemen.


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