
Ron Artest: New Name, Same Idiot

If you didn't know that Ron Artest was an idiot, consider the fact that he changed his legal name to Metta World Peace. It is also important to know that Ron Artest is the idiot that ran into the stands igniting the Pacers-Pistons brawl a couple years back. Yesterday, the idiot completely decked James Harden with a vicious elbow. That could have seriously injured Harden and absolutely cannot be tolerated. Artest will claim that it was an accident and that he was just celebrating, but look at the video and see for yourself. Even if you could justify that was the reason, and you can't, this is that look at me attitude I was talking about with Dwight Howard. Again, this nonsense doesn't happen in San Antonio. Watch the video here with the brawl right below.

This guy has got to be suspended big time

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