As I was looking up scandals of football teams and found
this and was reminded of
this. It got me thinking of how prevalent academic cheating could be in college sports. There are some that think it happens everywhere. There are some athletes who you can't imagine have the ability to skate by. Some of us who hear an athlete on TV or are on campus with an athlete cannot believe that they pass their classes. Now, the athletes I do know take academics very seriously and work very hard. I do not want to take a shot at them and what they do, but many schools do seem to curb the rules for their athletes and usually it is football and men's basketball when that seems to happen. While I kept seeing these stories I feel bad for the athletes that do the right thing and for everybody who thinks everyone cheats. I was talking with someone about recruiting and he said everyone cheats a bit for recruits. My first thought was not Jim Grobe. And that should tell you all you need to know about Jim Grobe, but I won't stop there.
In one of the articles I found in yahoo, this is what it said.
"So much attention is being put on the quality of recruit a coach brings in, and not enough (if any) emphasis is put on the educational aspects. Heck, college football analysts often bring up character issues; why can't educational issues become more of a discussed topic?

Having spent time at both
Ohio State and Wake Forest, I see a significant difference even in the athletes at the two universities I have attended. At Ohio State, you could have students leaving class in the middle of the lecture, or after a big test grade was received. It seemed that pretty much any student athlete could "slip" by and remain academically eligible.
At Wake Forest, I've seen athletes that all seem to take academics seriously. I'm not saying that all student athletes at Wake are committed at the same level, but it is important to the program. My point has nothing to do with the quality of normal student at each university; rather, it is to stress what I've seen as a student on each of these campuses."
Kobayashi, Forrest 2007
And there it is, Wake Forest is all class.
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