
CBS Sports: Noles May Live Up To Hype

Don't know how many of you saw this on Saturday, but Bruce Feldman had some pretty high praise for FSU QB EJ Manuel. In this article for CBS sports says why FSU may live up to preseason hype. All FSU fans, including myself would love it if Manuel came through and led FSU back to the promised land. I highly recommend reading the article and will pull some highlights out here.

Apparently, EJ Manuel has improved in how he has transferred his weight and even Manuel noticed the difference. EJ also thinks he can complete 70% of his passes. He hit on 65% of passes last year. Feldman called Manuel "one of the most impressive college players you'd ever meet. He has a presence about him where you come away convinced that he'd be a success at whatever he attempted." That is pretty high praise from Feldman. Nice to know that the Seminoles possess players like this.

Manuel thinks he will be much improved and has put in a lot of hard work this offseason. He says that we will be impressed with Kelvin Benjamin. Finally, he says that the D-Line is "gonna be Kuh-RAZY!"

Get excited Noles fans! It's gonna be a good year, I can feel it!

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