
Sammy Watkins Arrested

Star Clemson receiver Sammy Watkins was arrested on drug charges early Friday morning in South Carolina. Watkins was with a soccer player who was also arrested after being pulled over. The arresting officer saw Watkins scrape his car against a curb and smelt marijuana when he approached the vehicle. So Watkins was doing illegal substances and driving under the influence. This stuff irritates me. If you want to endanger yourself go right ahead, but don't put other people's lives at risk.

Watkins helped lead Clemson to the ACC Championship last season and lead the team in receiving. He was an absolute stud as a freshman after being one of Clemson's top recruits. Dabo Swinney said punishments will be handed out after an internal investigation.

Watkins was driving a white Cadillac with dealer tags. Not sure if there is a scandal here, but I know I couldn't afford a Cadillac in college and still can't. It is suspicious that Sammy Watkins left south Florida for Clemson despite being recruited by everyone. It will be interesting to see if an investigation is to follow.


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