
This Is Why You Should Love the Spurs

Every time I see an athlete taunt the other team, or make demands of their coach I just love the Spurs more. You do not see this nonsense in San Antonio. That is why the whole Dwight Howard fiasco just makes me love the Spurs more. Dwight Howard who now has an injury said he would never play another game for the Magic if Stan Van Gundy remained the coach. Who do you think you are Dwight? That is an absolutely horrible and childish move. Stan Van Gundy despite his whiny voice is not that bad of a coach and someone that gives his commitment to a team should NOT treat his employer this way. Dwight went from a very likable person to one of the most hated players in the league with this move. Howard is a complete clown and not in a good way. Why would he do this?

It is like Howard thinks he is bigger than the game. Thinking all everyone cares about is where he plays basketball. It completely takes out the team component and gives a look at me, I am the greatest attitude. This attitude is the same nonsense that encouraged Lebron James to proclaim that he was "taking his talents to South Beach." You are not bigger than the sport gentlemen, the NBA was successful before you and it will be successful long after you are gone. Get a grip.

Can you imagine Tim Duncan pulling a stunt like this? No you can't. Duncan took less money to stay with the team that helped make him successful. He constantly talks about how great his teammates were whether they be David Robinson, Tony Parker, Manu, or even Malik Rose. Seriously what happened to Malik Rose after he no longer had Duncan on his team? Duncan carried his teams during his runs, but did not once complain or throw a fit to Popovich. In fact Duncan praises Popovich and talks about how Popovich helps his game. During the Olympics Allen Iverson hogged the ball when he should have dumped it to Duncan, but what did Duncan do, he talked about what an honor it was to represent his country. During that stretch in the early 2000s when Duncan was unstoppable did he complain that he only got 2 MVPs? No, Duncan was focused on winning championships and said the other people were deserving. Tim Duncan and the Spurs are everything that is right with sports and I gladly support them for that reason. He doesn't care about making a fool of his opponents he will just bank it off the glass and help his team win. Oh and the Spurs give everything to their fans every night and truly appreciate them. Not one player on that team threatens to leave if they don't get their way. Go Spurs Go!


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