Of course with any victory where you give up less than 2 runs most of the accolades should go to the starting pitcher for the game. This game is no exception as start Wei Yin Chen pitched an amazing game. Chen only gave up one run in 7 innings to lower his ERA to 2.22. These starters have been lights out, and if they continue this I like our chances against anybody.
Chen was not the only phenomenal pitcher last night. Luis Ayala pitched two more scoreless frames in the victory. Ayala still does not have an earned run for the season and has been brilliant out of the pen. Him, O'Day, Strop, and Johnson are another big reason for the O's being in first place.

Other notable offensive performances happened last night. Adam Jones went 3 for 4 and scored 3 runs. Jones raised his average to .333. Wilson Betemit went 2 for 4 with a double and continues to give the Orioles solid production while in the lineup for Reynolds (cough, cough). Robert Andino was the other Oriole with multiple hits as he also went 3 for 4. Andino raises his average to .309. Great production by those hitters so far in April.
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