
Davey Johnson Says Nationals Infield The Best

According to MASN's Dan Kolko, Davey Johnson has said that the Nationals infield is the best he has been around. In this post the former Orioles manager and player says that Laroche, Espinosa, Desmond, and Zimmerman were better than Powell, Robinson, Belanger, and himself. Keep in mind Davey Johnson was a heck of a baseball player when he played. Also keep in mind that while managing the Orioles, Johnson managed some stud defenders as well. He managed Roberto Alomar while he was with the O's. You find me a better defensive second baseman than Roberto Alomar when he played and I will find you a liar.

So, why did Johnson say this? Is it just a motivating technique to get his guys to believe in himself. Does he just not want to make it seem like he wasn't that great. From everything I've heard that Orioles infield was the best. Given it was before my time, but the games I've seen show that there wasn't really anyone better than Brooks. My dad always said that there wasn't anyone better than Boog either. Brooks Robinson won 16 gold gloves back when gold gloves meant something. The SS switched for the Orioles in Johnson's time but, Luis Aparacio won 9 gold gloves and Mark Belanger won 8. Heck, Johnson himself had 3 gold gloves. So I would think he is exaggerating a bit, but it is high praise.

"I've been around a lot of good infields, but (there's) no question in my mind," Johnson said

That is absolutely crazy to me. However, when you look at it, the Nationals are filthy defensively. Is there a better defensive 1B than Adam Laroche? There sure are not many. What about Ian Desmond? Desmond is absolutely amazing at SS. He is definitely top 5 defensively. Danny Espinosa I will admit to not seeing much of, but I hear good reports. Than there is Ryan Zimmerman. I will admit to being a Zimmerman fan, I think he is one of the most underrated players in the game all around. He is a terrific athlete. I can actually see a little bit of what Johnson was saying.



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  2. Thanks Randy.
    I appreciate it. I have a ton of Ripken cards, but between my moves I'll have to find them all. We are moving again in July and around that time we can likely hook you up with some sales. You can contact me, but I did not see an email address to get you back.



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