
US Olympic Legend Kurt Angle

What a wrestler as an Olympic Legend? No, your eyes do not deceive you. Say what you want about wrestling, but Olympic wrestling is a real sport. Also when you look at it Kurt Angle is quite the Olympic Legend. Kurt Angle is the only Olympic Gold Medallist in the history of professional wrestling by the way.

In 1996, Kurt Angle won the Olympic gold medal, but his story doesn't end there. He suffered a devastating neck injury at the Olympic Trials that year. With that injury, Angle fractured two vertebrae, herniated two discs, and pulled four muscles. Even with that, Angle managed to win the Olympic Trials and go on to win at the Olympics. So, when Kurt Angle says he won a gold medal with a broken neck, he was telling the truth. Let me repeat that, he won an Olympic Gold Medal with a broken neck!

Did Angle end there? No! He actually has tried to make a comeback for the 2012 games. You can follow Angle's comeback attempt here. At 43, Angle actually had a shot to compete. However, Angle was unable to make the trials in April due to a knee injury. What a shame. It would have been an interesting story to watch. There is no doubting though that Kurt Angle is an Olympic Legend.

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