
Buccaneer Rookies Making An Impact In Community

I am really proud of my new hometown team and their new coach. The Bucs seem to be doing all of the right things in the past couple months. The new Bucs are doing an especially nice job as they prepare for their NFL debuts. The entire Bucs offseason has been filled with community outreach, and they continue to help out the community.

Last Monday, the Bucs visited Celebration Station (a mini golf and arcade center) to play games with kids from an at risk center. That program was called Operation Graduate and boosted a 100% success rate last year with those students! CB Leonard Johnson is a Clearwater Native and was very happy about helping out in his hometown as Celebration Station is actually in Clearwater.

“The biggest thing for me is just showing them that you can do it, that I am real,” he said. “A lot of times kids hear guys go to the NFL from their city, from their community, a lot of those guys don’t come back and get themselves involved with the community. This is a great opportunity to reach out and connect with those kids.” - Leonard Johnson

Then on Wednesday, the Bucs hosted students from Webb Middle School for a movie. They saw Madagascar 3: Europes's Most Wanted.
Sidebar: Madagascar 3 was a really great movie. I thought it was the best of the trilogy. Jenna reviewed it on her blog.

These players should be proud of their continued service to the community. I hope these Bucs continue to make an impact.

I hope Coach Greg Schiano keeps making positive role models for kids, we all know they need them. Below is a picture of some rookies visiting a hospital earlier in the offseason. Keep up the good work, gentlemen.


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