
LeBron James Could Have Been Abortion Victim

As most of you know I am not a huge Lebron fan. I don't hate the guy, but I don't exactly root for him. Usually, I think he gets too much coverage. However, this is a story worth covering. This story also makes my respect for Lebron James go up tenfold.

Lebron James is known as the "chosen one" by many, but did you know that he nearly didn't exist. Obviously, it wasn't an easy path to stardom for James because he nearly wasn't here. Lifenews posted an article that was actually from 2010. The article got no play from the national media, but I am going to talk about it here.

When Lebron James' mother found out she was pregnant, she was in her mid teens. His mother was not very close to graduation. She was not exactly wealthy. Just being a teenager was ruled grounds for having an abortion about a decade before she was pregnant. His mom didn't even have to tell her parents, she could have just terminated the pregnancy. That obviously was not the decision that she came to.

Instead of taking that route, Lebron's mom decided to choose life. If she had gone to Planned Parenthood, I doubt that would have been what was offered to her. Instead, she chose life and ironically her son is the "Chosen One." Is he the chosen one because she chose life, maybe, who knows?

Lebron was cheered for  long before he won the NBA title. His mom was by his side his entire life. While most would have deemed her incapable of raising a baby, she raised the "Chosen One." If you ask me, that is pretty cool.
How many Lebrons are aborted everyday? I don't mean to make this political, but choose life.


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