
Giving Bradley Beal A Fair Shake

If you know anything about me and my sports interests, you would know that I love the Seminoles and loathe the Gators. I just cannot stand the University of Florida, like most Seminole fans. Because of this, I sometimes get a little biased against Florida athletes, especially when it comes to the draft. However, I can usually tell when a player kills us and look past it. For instance, I knew Al Horford was going to be an animal inside and I think Mike Zunino is going to be a solid major leaguer. I was not so sure about Bradley Beal though. I did not want the Wizards to take him.

Then I took a closer look...

While I still would have traded down, Beal was the right choice for the Wizards. He was the best player in the draft, and it was at a position of need. The Wizards need a guy that can knock down shots and Beal is that guy. Additionally, Beal wants to be a Wizard. After reading about his pre-draft workout on Wizards Extreme, I warmed up to the idea of Bradley Beal in a Wizards uniform. I still wasn't sold after the workout like most Wizards fans, but I was a lot more receptive. Then the day of the draft came and I was upset about the non trade, but welcomed Beal to the team. Then came the interview following the pick.
Following that interview, I realized that despite being a Gator, Bradley Beal has a good head on his shoulders. Beal had class and seemed mature, despite one year in college. I am still skeptical of the pick, but Beal may work out very well for the Wizards. It is good to have him join the team.


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