
How I Feel About Lebron Winning a Title

Good for him, now...

He still isn't Jordan, Duncan, Kobe, etc. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate Lebron, but I think he gets too much love sometimes. However, he does get too much hate too so I don't know. Sometimes I wonder why Lebron is so polarizing, it's like most people think he is the best ever and some people think he is the most overrated player in the history of sport. I think he is a really good player, that may be the best in the game, but is overrated still. Why do I say that? Read on..

Lebron now has 3 MVPs. Yes, MVPs. Tim Duncan only has two MVPs. Duncan has taken a cast of misfits that nobody else wanted to the top of the West year in and year out. Well, Lebron did that in Cleveland right? WRONG! Cleveland made the Finals once in an inferior Eastern Conference and got their clocks cleaned by Duncan's Spurs. Additionally, Danny Green was a unused scrub in Cleveland, he goes to San Antonio and is a starter. You cannot argue with these things. Even if you consider that a coincidence you can not ignore the fact that Lebron failed in Cleveland and wrecked the franchise before he went out.

I don't blame Lebron for wrecking the Cavs because he was doing what he thought was right, but he wanted ownership to make moves that weren't in their best interest and then left them hanging. It is a big reason why people don't like him. The worst of these moves in my opionion were the horrible trade for Antawn Jamison that ate salary cap and put a useless (at that point) player into a starting role for the Cavs and the re-signing of Anderson Varajao. The latter just isn't that good of a player and James advocated for his re-signing because he was close with the forward.

Then there is the decision. Again, I do not really blame James too much for the decision. He was an immature guy who wanted to do what kids do while committing to college. James missed that by going straight to the league so he wanted to get that. To feed his ego he decided to make it an hr long thing instead of a 10 second announcement. After being dubbed "King James" can you really blame him though. Also given the 2 yr old tirade that the Cavs owner threw after James left, can you really blame James. He wasn't able to grow up, because he was the guy always. Kobe had Shaq when he was immature, Duncan was never immature, but he had Robinson and Jordan well Jordan was Jordan.

To sum it all up Lebron James was a person everyone always told was great and he didn't have a real mentor. He thought he would get it with Riley and that is why I think he went to the Heat when it all boils down. I know that is not what most people think, but hey it's my blog. He also didn't go to college, which you can't forget. Duncan went to a great school for four years when he attended Wake Forest. Also when Duncan came out of school, he had David Robinson right there with him. Lebron had to be the guy right away. I think Duncan is the example all should follow, but some just can't and Lebron was one of those.

At the end of the day everyone knew Lebron would eventually get a title. Most of us just didn't think it would come this soon. The NBA wanted it now and they got their wish. Joe Crawford looked like he was at the top of the list on that venture. You already know how I feel about Joey Crawford though. Lebron and company said they weren't talking about 5, or 6 titles, but more. Well they got that 1st one and I think it changes little. I still say that even with the super teamup they don't even get to Duncan's 4 titles. In fact I think Duncan is more likely to get another title than the Heat are to match him.


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