
Another Walk Off Win

There are two Orioles that are at or near the best at their position and they deserve to be in the all-star game. I will vote for both of them and that ballot will be released tomorrow. However, it is important to look at what they did today. Before I get into that though, I'd like to mention that Steve Tolleson had an amazing game. He had a fantastic defensive play and a home run. You can see Tolleson's defensive gem on my twitter account @norob87.

Let's get back to the two top dogs on the Orioles though. First, Adam Jones once again scored the run on a walk off. What would we do without Adam Jones? He scored 2 runs today and had 2 hits. Jones was driven in by a walk off double courtesy of Matt Wieters. Wieters was 3 for 4 on the day. Below are photos from the walk off victory.


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