
Avengers of Sports

Jenna and I went to see the Avengers last night. She will have a movie review up on Monday @ itsjustcalledspicy. Yesterday, I thought after I saw the movie about who is most like the Avengers in sports. Here is what I came up with.

Captain America - Peyton Manning
Captain America is my favorite superhero. He is the fearless leader of the Avengers. Cap always does what he is supposed to do and isn't too quick to take credit for what happens. Others respect him and he loves his country. Who better represents Cap than the man who calls his own plays and always makes those around him look good. Manning is about as All-American as you can get. Everyone seems to like Manning as well.

Iron Man - Cal Ripken Jr.
I know Ripken doesn't play anymore, but is there anyone who represents Iron Man better than him. Ripken is baseball's Iron Man. Heck, Ripken already has the Iron Man nickname. The guy seemed like he was not of this world. I mean seriously 2,632 consecutive games. The guy was amazing.

Hulk - Haloti Ngata
Ngata is the person I think who best lives up to the Hulk's catch phrase. Hulk Smash. The dude is an animal at nose tackle. Ngata smashes the opposing offensive line, just as he smashes quarterbacks and runningbacks.

Hawkeye - Drew Brees
Is there a more accurate passer than Drew Brees? There may be, but there are not too many. The dude is accurate as can be. He is like an assassin or like Hawkeye from the Avengers. Dude throws bullets.

Thor - Clay Matthews
Just look at Clay Matthews. Matthews looks exactly like Thor. He probably could have played Thor in the movie. He is a powerful linebacker that scares the opposition. Has the ability to crush the people on the opposite side of him.

Black Widow - Alicia Sacramone
In the Avengers, the Black Widow is incredibly flexible and athletic. She does a lot of quick, athletic moves, kind of like a gymnast. A gymnast like say Alicia Sacramone. Sacramone if you remember was on our last summer Olympic team. She performed great for the good ol' USA.

Nick Fury - Mike Tomlin
Just like Fury, Tomlin led a team of superstars while Tomlin was in Pittsburgh. Fury helped choose and lead the team in order to save the world. Tomlin did his deed in order to win the Super Bowl.


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