
The Andray Blatche Rant

With the NBA Playoffs now moving toward the conference finals it is a familiar sight for Wizards fans. We are on the outside looking in and seeing other teams compete for the title. Never in my lifetime have I seen the Wiz have a very good shot at the title. Well maybe, the one year they were in 1st for a while with Arenas, Butler, and Jamison, but even then not really. These guys just aren't competitive. So we are left thinking of what it will take to make this team competitive.

Whenever I think of this question, I can only think of one answer. Why the heck did we give Andray Blatche a contract extension? The guy is a malcontent and a horrible teammate. He doesn't try hard, he is overweight, and he makes way to much money. Why did we keep him at all? This guy is horrible for the Wizards. It will be difficult to escape him. Should we amnesty him then?

Blatche bashed his coach in the media. He proclaimed himself the team captain. The fans boo him everytime he touches the ball. His career as a pro in basketball may be done period and not just with the Wizards. The guy is out of shape.

I was working on this post and then checked Wizards Extreme they also have a post on Blatche. They are working on grading all the Wizards and Blatche got F's straight down the board. Here is their review.

This guy has got to go. I say use the amnesty clause. Otherwise, Blatche will make a ton of money over the next three years. Get rid of the guy. I am fine with Lewis for another year off the bench, we can use his expiring contract in a trade or get the cap space in a year. Andray Blatche is far more of a problem than Rashard Lewis.


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