
Wizards Win Fifth Straight

It is a little late Wizards, but better late than never. This team is showing some promise, they are showing some fight, they should because they are fighting for their jobs. They look like a team that can actually contend for a playoff spot. Washington looks like they actually care finally and that they are trying their best. Some may not care at all, but I absolutely love this. This is the Wizards longest winning streak since 2007 and it was long overdue.

John Wall played like an elite point guard last night. Wall had 21 points, 13 assists, and 7 rebounds. This was against another stud young point guard in Kyrie Irving who he held to 5 points. The Wizards won this game without the black hole Jordan Crawford in the lineup. This is a large part of the victory in my opinion. Without Crawford in the lineup, the Wizards started 4 forwards and Wall. They were able to balance the minutes really well too.

Nene did not start, but he contributed a great deal, scoring 12 points off the bench. The guy is a gamer, sure he makes too much money, but take him over the poor attitudes of Nick Young and Javelle McGee anyday. Nick Young was another black hole on offense. Rookie Jon Vesely got a rare start and did not disappoint as he grabbed 12 rebounds. Cartier Martin also got a rare start and scored 7 points. Kevin Seraphin had another solid game adding 12 points. My favorite Wizard, rookie Chris Singleton, had 10 points and again played terrific defense.

In addition to the wins, the Wizards have extended Ernie Grunfeld in what would seem to be a move to go forward with the plan of building around Wall with guys who play hard every night. Grunfeld will have two years added to his contract. If you want to read more about Grunfeld's extension, the Washington Post did a pretty good job in this article. I like the strategy of building through the draft, I think that is how you get a winner, that is if you hit your picks.


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